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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Allison Stokke and a solid chest workout

Allison Stokke

At age 15, Stokke won a California state championship, and broke several national records in her age division. As a senior at Newport Harbor High School, she set the second best mark in the nation for that calender year with a 13'7" vault. In the CIF State Championship finals she finished 4th after a leg injury interfered with her ability to sprint down the runway. After being highly recruited, Stokke now vaults for the University of California at Berkeley.  MORE PICTURES AFTER THE JUMP.

Flat DB 95 x 8
Decline Smith 265 x 8
High pulley fly ss w/low pulley fly ss/w squeeze press x 4
Cable Flies x 4
*35 mins heavy bag


  1. seated military press 135x15x12x12x10
    -superset w/cable press down- 60lbs just repped out each time didnt count

    neutral grip dumbell press(i think thats what its called when your palms face in) 50 lbs(each hand) 3 sets 10-12
    -super set with mid to narrow grip floor press 135 for reps didnt count

    standing DB lateral raise- 20 lbs 10-12 reps
    -superset with decline tricep ext with the ez curlbar 65 lbs 3 sets 10-12 reps

    burned out with barbell shrugs 135 to failure superset with seated bench dips to failure 3 sets.

    pretty outta shape just trying to work out fast build up a good sweat get a good pump and get my swagger back

  2. oh the neutral grip DB press should say overhead DB press..when i read it back to myself it sounded like chesticles

  3. yo. do you have all that shit at your cribbo? Easy curl bar? Thats an awesome workout btw. I always forget to do floor presses but they work awesome for your tris. They will help you with your sticking point on your bench as well.

    I got what you meant with the DB presses. I saw shoulders so assumed thats what you meant. I suppose you could have said "Neutral grip DB millitary press or DB neutral grip OH press" but its all the same shit.

    Im working on getting my strength back. The lbs are coming off as i get stronger. I have like the exact opposite problem most dudes have. The more jacked i get, the less i weigh. Im feeling good already though. Getting some solid seshs in on the bag, getting strong, and watching the luvies slowly melt.

  4. yea ive got an ez curl bar, its the old school one that takes the weights with the smaller holes but oh well, they stillweigh the same...yea im the same way, stronger i get the less i weigh..i was tellin squam the other day that I know when im gettin in good shape when i can do about 10-12 wide grip pullups from a dead hang and bang out 50 dips with only one rest

  5. Yes. Body weight exercises are definitley a good tell tale of your overall Pound for Pound strength level. Pullups = FTW. Always been my week point out of the 3 (pushup, pullup, dips).

  6. you just gotta force yourself to incorporate them into every back workout..even if you can only do 2-3 at a time or have to do them assisted, for me if i get my back used to doing them at 220lbs its that much stronger when im down to 195-200 lbs its a piece of cake

  7. makes sense. Lets move this talk over to beast status. this blog is way too emo for all this testosterone.

  8. That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck.
    tricep workout
